Our Manufacturing Practices

For us, safety goes way beyond FDA regulations.

We are relentless in keeping our products as free as possible of allergens, toxins, GMO’s, phenols, salicylates, benzoates, colors, fillers...  the list goes on and on, and it includes every way we can think of to make the products as safe and easy on the body as we would want for our own children and loved ones.  These are things we don't have to care about, but we do.  We think it's what you should be able to expect when you buy supplements for your family.


  • We have always tested every single batch of products through an independent lab before they go out the door. 


  • We require complete manufacturer's test certificates for every single nutrient, including heavy metal levels and indicators of bacterial growth.


  • We avoid purchasing from China.  In the few cases where we must buy from China, we have additional independent mercury and heavy metal testing performed, to ensure that the nutrients are up to our standards.


  • Only non-toxic cleaning products are used throughout our facility, so your supplements have no contact with toxic chemicals.


  • Gluten-free vodka is our only alcohol source, and we gently remove all alcohol from our herbal tinctures.


  • Toxic petroleum based benzoate preservatives have never been used in our products.


  • HDPE is the only kind of plastic we’ve ever used in our bottles.  HDPE is BPA free and is the safest form of plastic.